

This meteorite was found in one of the largest meteorite strewn fields on earth.  This field exceeds 40 miles wide and 250 miles long.  It is an iron meteorite found in Namibia, South Africa.  It was discovered in 1836, although South African natives used the metal fragments for tools and weapons prior to this time.

This meteorite has a unique crystallization known as the Widmanstatten crystal structure.  These lines are shown as a unique etched pattern on the meteorite.  This pattern is the result of the meteorite cooling in outer space over billions of years.  The meteorite fragments yield 87% iron, 10% nickel, also small nodules of graphite, trolite, and traversite.  Scientists have also found rare minerals called Enstatite and Tridymite.  These minerals are found only in nuclear fusion, which give scientists clues to the origin of our solar system and the universe.